Monday, June 15, 2009

Is it wrong? The temptation was there...

In my daily housewifery business, there comes a time when I will need to frequent a large shopping centre. And last week on one of my now ‘uni-free’ days I needed to visit one of those said shopping centres. Much to Daniel’s horror, part-time housewifery now comes with free time! And with free time comes SHOPPING! Let’s be frank, I am currently reorganising our place and I needed (stress needed) to visit the shops for some organisational help. I have previously spoken of my love for Hot Dollar, soaked in its mayhem, its everything I’m not. However, another love is also Howard’s Storage World, a Mecca of organisation for the organised. Last week, I had two salespeople following me around the store as I handed them this-and-that new gadget which will ‘transform my life’! Phew – just what I was looking for in a battery storage box, total life revolution!

So back to the conspiracy of the shopping centre. Not only does it entice me to over-purchase items which will create a serenity in my life, it forces me into sticky dilemmas. I am walking through the car park - usually over run with fumes - however on that day it was only me and the pensioners. Who else goes to a shopping centre at 9.15am? So I am walking through the car park and a waft of buttery, hot, salty popcorn wafts my way. I soon find that I am entranced and have been unknowingly walking closer to the origin of the popcorn smell, the cinemas. My nostrils are in overdrive, I want some of that popcorn, NOW!

And so my dilemma starts. Is it poor-form to purchase popcorn outside of the movie arena? I admit, I would have stood out like a sore (but buttery and salty) thumb at the shopping centre if I had purchased the popcorn and window shopped with it in hand. I couldn’t even hide behind the facade that I had just come out of a movie and had some leftover popcorn (as if that ever happens!) as it was too early in the morning. So what do I do? Well, I didn’t buy the popcorn, somewhat because I was a little embarrassed to do so, but mostly because buying popcorn (or anything else) at the movies usually comes with a second mortgage!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Contrary to popular belief – stupid things happen to me...

Well, again I have to apologise for my blogging absence. Life has been so busy lately. Where do the days go? That is the eternal question. It feels like it was yesterday that I was fighting people off for the last bit of Christmas wrapping paper at Hot Dollar (you all know how much I love Hot Dollar – its like a little bit of Shanghai in Sydney!).

Back to my vague topic. I remember thinking this up about 4 weeks ago and sending myself an email reminder about this. However, for the life of me I can’t remember where it was going in the first place. But luckily, as the title suggests, stupid things do always happen to me! I am a walking magnet for the following:

1. Weird people sitting next to me on public transport.
My combat for this is the trusty iPod. Even if the battery has died and I am a listening to nothing, I put those plugs in my ears, because somehow those little white cords hanging down the front of my blouse are a like a repellent!
2. Law of diminishing returns.
At first I thought that this only applied to me in relation to cooking. You know, you have one chorizo, a limp stalk of celery and some cream and somehow 45 minutes later I serve up a meal that Daniel gushes should “go in the pool room”. Then two weeks later I try the impromptu “recipe” again, only to fail miserably. Does this mean that the first time was a genuine fluke or that Daniel was really hungry that night? I wonder? But last night I proved that this law also applies to 10-pin bowling. I was going well in the first game, then suddenly I was rubbish in the second. Just like in the kitchen I blame my tools.
Maybe this post says more about me, rather than me about life?