Friday, August 28, 2009

It was devastating...

With all this social networking we all seem to be doing, I was feeling that my family wasn’t (with the exception of my sister-in-law, Michelle, who is far more technologically savvy than myself) using these mediums as much as they could. So, at the dinner table, I ask the question. (Reminiscent of my time as a four year old when I would make ‘family announcements’ at the dinner table, usually about something benign such as my imaginary friend and her 20 kids, or the newest Care Bear out on the market. So let us fast forward 25 years!) I ask the family, “by the way, people have been commenting on my blog. I’ve had good feedback. Who here is reading it regularly?”

Silence. Cicadas. More silence. “Anyone reading it, at all?”. Tumbleweed rolls through the dining room. Bruno clears his throat. I look around at everyone concentrating too hard on eating their pasta. I know that they can all eat pasta with their eyes closed and one hand behind their backs! I am mortified! No one of the flesh or the related blood is reading this blog (other than you Cet – I know). How upset I was! Not only did my sister refuse (until recently) to be my friend of facebook, but they had the indecency of not reading my blog! Huh! The excuses started to flow. “Oh we see you often, why do we need to read about it online?” Retort: I save my best material for the blog! “We don’t have time!” Retort (nose in air at this point) Huh!

Then Mum says “Eee, what’s a block?” I’ll leave it there...

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