Thursday, February 25, 2010

Things are a changing...

Yes, I am looking down the barrel of potentially 12 months leave.
Yes, I am about to embark on motherhood.
Yes, we are about to move into a new place.
Yes, I am turning 30!

All of the above is about to happen over the next 4-6 weeks. Hang on tight.

So I feel as if I am comfortable with most of the changes I have listed above. A maximum of 12 months leave is a blessing. I can't wait to be the 'little woman' at home. Making sure Daniel's shirts are ironed. Making his lunch. Baking the odd cake in the afternoon. Let's revisit me saying that in six months time. I have had some great times at work - see photos on the right for example.

Motherhood is looking a little more scary. In class last week I realised just how much I didn't know about being a mother. I mean who knew that you needed different washing powder for the baby? Who knows what it will be like. Millions of women around the world manage, I am sure I will too. Right?

The 'new place'. Well if we ever get in there, I'm sure it will be great. Not that I can't say that Daniel and I haven't had our fair share of family help with the renovations. My poor father and brother had been slaving away every weekend for close to two months trying to get us in there. I have been trying to play project manager to all these works. It just would be easier if 1. everyone turned up when they said and 2. I had the ability to take all their calls as soon as they ring.

And now for the big one. The big 3-oh! I am totally fine with my birthday and ageing. Contrary to popular belief I don't have issues with my birthday, I am just happy with a small dinner with family on the day. Unlike some people I know who like a week-long carnivale for their birthday - no names DANIEL! So last week at a lunch, one of my younger colleagues was talking about how she mostly hangs out with the 'older' girls at work. "How old is older" I inquire. "30" is the innocent reply.

Well if I wasn't paranoid about turning thirty, should I be now?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just when you though there wasn't any more dignity you could lose...

Yes, for all those who read this but don't know me. Is there anyone out there? I am 7.5 months pregnant. I am about two and a half minutes away from permanently wearing a moomoo. I cannot see my toes. Actually, I haven't been able to see them since about 4 months. I definitely can't reach them either! Maybe I am prematurely aging into a baby boomer - see my last post.

So in the last seven months Daniel and I have shared in the utter excitement of the notion that there will be a Cavalino (or Cavalina) cohabiting our house in April 2010. Yes, 19 April 2010 is the due date. Will happily accept all flowers, gifts, chocolates etc. OMG, that is less than two months away. I guess now isn't the time to panic, but when is a great time? Maybe the thought losing all my dignity during this pregnancy and the birth could be a good time to have the heebie-jeebies set in.

At our pregnancy and birth class at the hospital last weekend Daniel and I learnt of the upcoming horror that sounds like the birth. Can I say that I am too posh to push? No way mate. That's not me! So what is the alternative? Well according to our softly spoken midwife in sensible shoes, I will not have a shred of dignity left after the experience. Hmmm.....I find that hard to believe. I mean I have been reading all the current maternity magazines and they swear that you too can have a glamourous birth. Is that an oxymoron? Is that possible? Well, according to this one magazine, lip gloss, colourful socks and a bright headband will be both practical and stylish during the birth.

What, my legs in stirrups wouldn't be?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is Column 8 as elitist as I think?

I am usually a constant reader of the SMH online. Not usually for its endless number of articles about boring political things or its constant croaking about Sydney is becoming a toilet. But mostly for the entertainment gossip, TV reviews and of course the Ken Ken. Yes I admit, my name is Romina and I am a Ken Ken addict. It started, like most challenges in my life, that I saw someone else doing them, so I thought I can do them too. This is how I started onto Sudoku's and oysters. I become obsessed because everyone else is. Some might call it a 'bandwagon'. But I am opposed to that term. I like to refer to myself as a total non-conformist. So to say that I am band-wagonistic is a big call.

Now back to Column 8. For all those familiar with the SMH's Column 8 I wonder who else agrees that they find it totally out of touch with reality. Did I miss an 'in joke' in 1996 and have never been able to recover from it? Who are these people from the Lower North Shore who write in and what in God's name are they talking about? Take the recent 'Six foot man eating chicken' discussion. Or the discussion about Baby Boomers counting on their fingers.

I mean, what else do you use? They probably haven't been able to reach their toes since 1983, let alone count on them!

So there brings me to a flash-in-the-pan return to my blog. I apologise to all those who follow me but were feeling rejected as I hadn't posted anything in a while. But life has been busy. More about my consistent loss of dignity for the past seven months next post.