Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just when you though there wasn't any more dignity you could lose...

Yes, for all those who read this but don't know me. Is there anyone out there? I am 7.5 months pregnant. I am about two and a half minutes away from permanently wearing a moomoo. I cannot see my toes. Actually, I haven't been able to see them since about 4 months. I definitely can't reach them either! Maybe I am prematurely aging into a baby boomer - see my last post.

So in the last seven months Daniel and I have shared in the utter excitement of the notion that there will be a Cavalino (or Cavalina) cohabiting our house in April 2010. Yes, 19 April 2010 is the due date. Will happily accept all flowers, gifts, chocolates etc. OMG, that is less than two months away. I guess now isn't the time to panic, but when is a great time? Maybe the thought losing all my dignity during this pregnancy and the birth could be a good time to have the heebie-jeebies set in.

At our pregnancy and birth class at the hospital last weekend Daniel and I learnt of the upcoming horror that sounds like the birth. Can I say that I am too posh to push? No way mate. That's not me! So what is the alternative? Well according to our softly spoken midwife in sensible shoes, I will not have a shred of dignity left after the experience. Hmmm.....I find that hard to believe. I mean I have been reading all the current maternity magazines and they swear that you too can have a glamourous birth. Is that an oxymoron? Is that possible? Well, according to this one magazine, lip gloss, colourful socks and a bright headband will be both practical and stylish during the birth.

What, my legs in stirrups wouldn't be?


  1. PLEASE wear bright red socks and a bright red headband during the birth. PLEASE.

  2. Puh-lease! I was thinking diamontes!
